
Letra de Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - The Thompson Twins - Red Hot + Blue: A Tribute To Cole Porter

Letra de canci�n de Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - The Thompson Twins de Red Hot + Blue: A Tribute To Cole Porter lyrics

- Who wants to be a millionaire?
- I don't
- Have flashy flunkeys ev'rywhere?
- I don't
- Who wants to bother of a country estate?
- A country estate is something I'd hate!
- Who wants a fancy foreign car?
- I don't
- Who wants to tire of caviar?
- I don't
- Who wants a marble swimming pool too?
- I don't
- And I don't 'cause all I want is you.

- Who wants to be a millionaire?
- I don't
- Who wants uranium to spare?
- I don't
- Who wants to journey on a gigantic yacht?
- Do I want a yacht? Oh, how I do not!
- Who wants to wallow in champagne?
- I don't
- Who wants a supersonic plane?
- I don't
- Who wants a private landing filed too?
- I don't
- And I don't 'cause all I want is you.

- All I want is you
- All I want is you

- Who wants to be a millionaire...
- I don't
- And go to ev'ry swell affair?
- I don't
- Who wants to ride behind a liv'ried chauffeur?
- A liv'ried chauffeur do I want? No, sir!
- Who wants an op'ra box, I'll bet,...
- I don't
- And sleep through Wagner at the Mets?
- I don't
- Who wants to corner Cartier's too?
- I don't
- And I don't 'cause all I want is you.

- All I want is you
- All I want is you
- All I want is you

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La letra de canci�n de Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - The Thompson Twins de Red Hot + Blue: A Tribute To Cole Porter es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Red Hot + Blue: A Tribute To Cole Porter Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - The Thompson Twins lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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