
Letra de One Step Forward - Dr. Feelgood

Letra de canci�n de One Step Forward de Dr. Feelgood lyrics

Well, they call her Lady Luck, but that beauty is a beast
She gave me only famine, I'm still waiting for the feast
I'm getting nowhere
And nowhere is a bad place to be

Try to help myself
I just don't have the knack
I'm taking one step forward
And two steps back

I can't pay the landlord, so I've got no place
I want to be a winner, but someone fixed the race
I've gone to nothing
And nothing is a bad way to be

I'm down instead of up
I'm red insteaf of black
I'm taking one step forward
And two steps back

I've got to check the dealer, that's all I can take
If I try to climb the ladder I'll get swallowed by a snake
I've got nothing
And nothing ain't enough for me

Got to take my lousy luck
And drown it in a sack
I'm taking one step forward
And two steps back

One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back

One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back

Letra subida por: An�nimo

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La letra de canci�n de One Step Forward de Dr. Feelgood es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Dr. Feelgood One Step Forward lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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