
Letra de Bloodsucker (BBC Mike Harding's Sounds of the Seventies Session) - Deep Purple

Letra de canci�n de Bloodsucker (BBC Mike Harding's Sounds of the Seventies Session) de Deep Purple lyrics

Gotta black breast Chinese eyes
Got an English brain that's gonna make me wise
Got a long story that I wanna tell
To a rhythm that I know so well
Really got a lot of lovin' that I wanna give
Baby, I'm a mystery but you know I gotta live
I tried another but she didn't want to know

Take a hold now if you can
Take a lesson from a hard lovin' man
I'm a long way from where I wanna go
Guess I'll stay a while, I really love you so
How's about another sip of all the wine you got
Take a tip from me and give it here, I'll drink the lot
I'm not a winey, I'm a-puttin' on a show

You really, really grab me but I've gotta move
Before they know I'm here and spread the news
Maybe in a while when I've moved around
I can find a way to pay you back your twenty pounds
Really got a lot of lovin' that I wanna give
Baby I'm a mystery but you know I gotta live
I tried another but she didn't want to know

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La letra de canci�n de Bloodsucker (BBC Mike Harding's Sounds of the Seventies Session) de Deep Purple es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Deep Purple Bloodsucker (BBC Mike Harding's Sounds of the Seventies Session) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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