
Letra de Because Our Love Is Real - Erasure

Letra de canci�n de Because Our Love Is Real de Erasure lyrics

Sometimes when I get upset
You chill me out and put it to rest
When I feel in dangerous times
You make a call and give me a sign

You wrap me up in love a colour so sublime
Goes to where I hurt the most and takes it all away
You really know me more than I even know myself

When life is bitter and sore
Just one look changes it all
Could never be a jealous young man
'Cause you hold the key to my hand

You wrap me up in love a colour so sublime
Goes to where I hurt the most and takes it all away
You really know me more than I even know myself

Because our love is real I won't dominate you, fool around
And faith and trust is all there is and true creation
Guards it with her soul

Sometimes when I don't feel well
Emotional fall under your spell
You heal me I'm better inside
Sure seems good to be alive

You wrap me up in love a colour so sublime
Goes to where I hurt the most and takes it all away
You really know me more than I even know myself

Goes to where I hurt the most and takes it all away
You really know me more than I even know myself

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La letra de canci�n de Because Our Love Is Real de Erasure es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Erasure Because Our Love Is Real lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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